Saturday 24 January 2015

Student Film Analysis - Remorse

Student Film Analysis - Remorse 
Genre: The genre is made very clear in the opening from both dialogue and music. It sets the tone and pace of the movie giving audience members a clear idea of what themes may be included in the movie. The genre of drama was chosen well since the situation they present the protagonist being in is very realistic and may have happened to people in the audience before.

Editing: Editing in this opening is good and supports the pace, genre and tone and movie has. The cross fade transition supports the pace and the smooth transition help the shots and narrative move forward. This means they are no jump cuts or strange editing choices that may confuse the audience. This means that the storyline is very clear.

Sound: Sound is made up of two key elements in this opening music and dialogue. The music helps support the pace and overall tone of the piece since it is slow and makes the audience feel sad or sorrow for the protagonist. The dialogue gives the audience an idea of how the character feels and therefore supports the themes and tones for the movie. Sound overall is very clear and of a good quality.

Camera Angles: Camera angles in this opening are very varied and show that the location that the opening was filmed in is very big. The majority of camera angles used in this piece are very wide this means that when shooting the opening the directors thought clearly about framing and where the titles would go in each of the shots. A negative to this aspect is that you rarely see the characters facial expression therefore you may not feel such a personal connection since each shot is so far away from the actor.

Mise: Mise in this opening has clearly been thought about. It is clear that the location chosen is good since it is empty therefore connoting that the protagonist is lonely and has no one left in the world. The costume has also been thought about since it gives an idea of what the character may have been doing before the opening starts (e.g. going to the funeral). On top of this the cloudy sky helps support the tone and dialogue in the opening.
Titles: Titles have been thought about when they were framing each shot since they the wide shots all contain enough space for a title. None of the titles are in the way of the protagonist or a crucial part of the scene therefore making the narrative clear. The font is fairly strange and I think could have been through about or research slightly better so it fits the tone of the opening.

Character: There is only one character in this opening and his feelings and personality is clearly shown during the opening. The main negative about this opening is that you never really see his facial expression and all the shots are from fairly wide angles therefore you never really connect with the character emotionally.

- Location/Mise is good
- Pace is good
- Framing has clearly been thought out
- Titles in good places
- Genre is clear

- You never see the protagonists face and therefore his facial expression
- No connection between audience and character


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