Sunday 12 April 2015

Evaluation Question 4

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our movie is in the action genre and aimed at people aged 15 - 35. This is due to the fact this is general audience for the action genre. We are also aiming for the audience to be mostly males since this is what a large percentage of the action genre audience is made up of. The style of our movie is quite gritty and realistic therefore we feel the genre crosses over into the action-thriller genre. The age of our target audience is fairly wide, this is due to that fact that the action genre is huge and takes a large percentage of mainstream media. This means that our movie should already have a following since out movie is part of the action genre.
One of the most iconic movies in the action genre is the James Bond series. These films tend to aim for the same audience we do as it is a very popular series in the action genre. This series of movies is very similar to ours and it is clear when watching our opening that we have been influenced from it. One of the biggest similarities is that during one of the movies (Casino Royale) the movie opens with a fight scene just before the iconic opening credits. This fight scene includes hand to hand combat and has a filter over it making the scene black and white. This similar to ours as it is gritty and fairly realistic. This shows that we have been influenced by other action movies and therefore this opening should appeal to the action genre audience that we are aiming for.
During our research and planning we decided our movie best fit the 15 certification rating. Since it contained violence (the fight scene). I think after finishing the final product it still deserves this age range. Since is due to the fact that the fight scene is fairly extensive and that’s up a large portion of the opening titles. This means that it can’t be rating a 12 this according to the BBFC 12 rated films can only contain violence if it doesn’t “dwell on detail” and “no emphasis on injuries or blood”, these two factors are both in our opening and therefore it cannot be a 12 or 12A since younger audiences may be terrified by the detail shown in the film (e.g. blood).
Since our movie contains violence research suggests that the viewer may also show violent tendencies after watching violent films. According the “Hypodermic Needle Theory” the unintentional message from the movie (in this case violence is morally right and will help you succeed) will be accepted by the audience and therefore they will resort to violence in real life situations. This theory is partly the reason why the movie is rated a 15. Older film viewers might be able to understand that the movie is a work of fiction and therefore not use violence in real life situations. If the movie was rated a 12 the younger audience might accept the message of the film and start to be violent.
Other bit of research that might relate to our film include the “Users and Gratification Theory”. This means that all viewers of our film are passive and have control over the forms of media they view (this is unlike the Hypodermic Needle theory), but the media they watch may affect their mood or feelings at the time they are watching it. Since our protagonist in the movie is presented as moral and “Good” this may affects people’s mood and therefore get the audience to start emotionally connecting with the character and as a result want him to succeed in his mission during the film.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Evaluation Question 2

Our media product generally represents each social group stereotypically. This can be seen as the main two characters are male and during the opening a fight scene is shown to grip our target audience early on in the film by adding an intense fight scene. This connotes both the male protagonist and antagonist as stereotypical since male characters are stereotypically violent in the action genre.

During our opening the one exception to this is the female character who is briefly heard on the phone to the antagonist. In this instance the female character is non-stereotypical since she orders the antagonist to kill the protagonist. This is non-stereotypical since she has power over the antagonist whereas generally female characters will be told what to do by the male characters.

The story is told from the point of view of the protagonist (John Craig) who is between the age is 15 – 35. This is also our target audience and since they’re both are the same age the audience should find him relatable and therefore they may want him to succeed in his mission.

Due to our protagonist’s age we wanted to show he was inexperienced therefore as our protagonist advances through the compound we made sure to put in a low angle to connote that he is in control as he advances but when he sees the antagonist he starts to realise that he has overestimated his abilities.