Saturday 4 April 2015

Evaluation Question 2

Our media product generally represents each social group stereotypically. This can be seen as the main two characters are male and during the opening a fight scene is shown to grip our target audience early on in the film by adding an intense fight scene. This connotes both the male protagonist and antagonist as stereotypical since male characters are stereotypically violent in the action genre.

During our opening the one exception to this is the female character who is briefly heard on the phone to the antagonist. In this instance the female character is non-stereotypical since she orders the antagonist to kill the protagonist. This is non-stereotypical since she has power over the antagonist whereas generally female characters will be told what to do by the male characters.

The story is told from the point of view of the protagonist (John Craig) who is between the age is 15 – 35. This is also our target audience and since they’re both are the same age the audience should find him relatable and therefore they may want him to succeed in his mission.

Due to our protagonist’s age we wanted to show he was inexperienced therefore as our protagonist advances through the compound we made sure to put in a low angle to connote that he is in control as he advances but when he sees the antagonist he starts to realise that he has overestimated his abilities.

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