Wednesday 28 January 2015

Individual Research – Impact of Certification on Film Openings

Individual Research – Impact of Certification on Film Openings
Certification impacts film openings by limiting what they can show and who can view it. Certification gives each film an age rating and therefore limits the audience who can legally see it in the cinema.

Directors must carefully decide what audience to aim their movie at since each age rating has different requirements. This affects both content in the opening scene as well as the audience that can view it inside the cinema. For example if they aim their movies at 12 they should not include detailed/graphic violence in it. This would be an inappropriate audience, a better option for this film might be 15 or 18 since this is around the age where people may not be affected by the graphic content of the film.

Legally people under the age BBFC sets for a movie are not allowed to see it. Employees that don’t enforce these rules can be fired from their job since ID must be presented if the employee isn’t sure the customer is of the correct age.

These are the main two factors of film opening that are impacted by film openings…
·         Audience
·         Content

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