Sunday 9 November 2014

Opening Scene Analysis – Catch Me If You Can

Opening Scene Analysis – Catch Me If You Can
The opening to the film “Catch Me If You Can” is an animation (unlike the rest of the film) that tries to give away hints to the storyline whilst giving away hints to the genre and themes portrayed in the film. Unlike other film openings it has no institutional logos and shows the names and production companies that help create the film through integrated titles. As well as this the opening sequence also tried to give the audience the idea of who is which character as it presents each the main characters in the animation and says the biggest actors names.

The genre for this film is established by both the music and the main animated character. The audience can see this since the animated man is mysterious and looks as if he is trying to hide from someone throughout the whole.

The main character is shifty and moves from area to area seamlessly. He appears to be running from the other character, this is implied by the amount of transport in the animation since it shows he moves from area to area very fast whilst the other animated character follows him.

The setting throughout the opening changes this further emphasises the idea of running since the main character constantly changes and moves locations. The films storyline is established by the fast changing locations how the two main characters are constantly trying to chase each other.

The opening titles give the audience an idea of themes through the mysterious music at the beginning. The mysterious music presents the themes of crime and drama.

The camera in the opening follows a man that is changing clothing and jobs throughout the whole opening. This hints to the audience that he is the main character in the film and that the film is based around his story/journey.

The music gives the audience a feeling of suspense and mystery. This helps to convey the themes and genres that are hinted in the opening of the film.

The titles in the opening are “Integrated”. This means that as they appear they are part of the environment during the opening animation. The font is in an art style that matches the opening title animation and therefore integrates well with the environment.

How this will help me
This will help me by teaching me how to make an effective opening that hints at story and settings featured in the film and giving the audience an idea of both genre and themes.

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