Monday 3 November 2014

Preliminary Task Idea

Preliminary Task Idea

The clip will begin with a shot of feet walking from the left to the right of the camera. It will then cut to a match on action shot which will show a man (The Interrogator) opening and then walking through a door. After the man will enter a room and sit at a table with the prisoner. We then had the some dialogue and during this use a shot reverse shot in which the Interrogator will have more screen time. During this conversation also we must use the 180 degree rule. After this the Interrogator slams the prisoners head against the table triggering a flashback. During this flashback we see the prisoner kill walk through a door using a match on action and kill someone else (seen through a shot reverse shot). It will then fade back into the final shot where there is a pan of the table so that in one continuous shot you see both the Interrogator and the Prisoner.


Yes or No?
Match On Action
180 degree Rule
Shot Reverse Shot


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