Wednesday 5 November 2014





PRISONER                P


Black screen, Foley footsteps. Fades to tracking of INTERRIGATOR’s feet, walking down a hallway.


IN opens door (match-on-action) and he stops to look at the PRISONER. OSS over P to IN. P starts to wake slowly.


IN        Why?                                                                                                  


Cuts to


P          Some people like to pay their debts.


Cuts to


IN pauses and then punches P in the face.


IN        I’ll say it again: why?


Cuts to


P spits in IN’s face.


Cuts to


P          Why do think I would tell you?


IN punches P in the face, triggering a flash back to the crime.


Cuts to


Extreme close up on P


Fades to black


Camera tracks out from the murderers back and then cranes up to an OSS as P kills the IN’s wife.


P drops knife and walks away as the camera fades to black and Foley footsteps can be heard.

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