Tuesday 3 February 2015

Research into the Action Genre

Research into the Action Genre

The action genre is one of the most popular kinds of genre and generally involve a male protagonist being put in a situation where they must overcome a physical feat in order to stay alive or save another main characters life. Action films tend to have many generic conventions associated with them such as gun fights, car chases and explosions. Most action films are made by mainstream company aimed at a mainstream audience. Action films tend to be aimed at males since they are designed in such a way that makes it exciting and fast paced. Action films tend to work with both the thriller and adventure genre.

Some people see the James Bond films as being a generic action film since it contains most (if not all) of the generic conventions found in a action movie. This includes car chases, gunfights, explosions and all the main aspects of a action film.

Advancements in CGI have made it easier for companies to make visual effects such as explosions and car chases. These are edited in post-production are critical in making an action movie. However sometimes these action films are seen in a poor light since they the CGI effects may not realistic but very recent advancements make it look very believable. CGI has most recently advanced so it looks almost real, for example in the film "Gravity".

Green screen is also used highly in action movies in order to have a particular location used in a movies. One of the main films that uses green screen is the "Hunger Games". This is done by letting the actors performed in front of a green sheet ands during post the location is added in from other previously filmed footage.

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