Thursday 5 March 2015

Individual Research - Mainstream and Independent Logos

Independent Research - Mainstream and Independent Logos
Mainstream Logos – Mainstream logos are presented at the beginning of each film. They are meant to look big and eye catching with lots of effects. This connotes to the audience that the company is big and therefore has a huge budget.

As evident from the Universal logo big institutions use animations to introduce their logos. These make it seem more impressive and big companies like Universal tend to aim their films at a more mainstream audience. Mainstream companies tend to be more widely known than independent companies.

Independent Logos – Independent logos tend to be less impressive than mainstream logos and when a collaboration between a mainstream and independent company done to create a film there is a clear difference between the two.

As evident from the Strike logo much more basic and dull colours are used, this makes it less eye catching. Independent companies tend to have smaller budget are films and therefore they can’t afford the assets that mainstream companies have. Independent companies’ films tend to be aimed at a mainstream audience and tend to be based around themes that wouldn’t normally be featured in a mainstream film.


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